Posts with tag: "#boardelection"
Saturday, May 18, 2024
By Spoma Jovanovic, Board Member

The co-op relies on active owners to cast their votes in determining who will be on the Board of Directors to work with the General Manager and to set policies for Deep Roots Market to ensure its financial position for the future and service to the community. Additionally, so that owners’ voices continue to have impact, owners approve any proposed by-law changes regarding the operations of the co-op.

Thank you to all those owners who attended the recent Annual Owners Meeting to learn more about this year’s candidates and by-law changes, and to those owners who read about these matters on the website to inform their voting which was open from 5/4/24 to 5/11/24.


New Board of Directors

This year we had a robust slate of candidates for three open positions on the Board of Directors.

We applaud all our candidates this year who invested time and talent in attending recent board meetings and preparing materials for the owners’ consideration. We were delighted that every candidate was well qualified for serving as a director. Please join us in welcoming the following who secured the most votes to serve on the Board of Directors for the next three years:

  • Mollie Blafer, who returns to the board after previously serving for one year as an elected replacement for a resigning board member.
  • Khaila Daye, a new member of the board and former employee of Deep Roots Market.
  • Drew Dix, a returning board director who served the last two years as vice president of the board.

We also want to give a well-deserved shout-out to our other candidates, Meredith Davis and Debra Clark Smith who demonstrated those valuable qualities of the best Deep Roots Market owners—commitment to the co-op and interest in ensuring its vibrant role in our community for the future.

Finally, we thank Ashleigh Odom for her service on the Board of Directors for the past 3- 1/2 years as she transitions off the board. For the past two years, she served as President of the Board leading with vision and grace.


By-Laws Amendments

We thank the owners for overwhelmingly approving three by-law amendments recommended by the Board of Directors.

Friday, January 27, 2023
By Deep Roots Market Board of Directors

An Invitation to Serve on the Deep Roots Market Board of Directors

Every year, the terms of some board members expire. For the coming year, the Board is looking to fill three board seats. To be nominated for the Board, you must be an owner prior to 1/1/23. Interested in being a part of Deep Roots’ future? Send an email to the Deep Roots Nominating Committee at and request a Board Candidate Application packet, which contains some good information about what is required to serve on the Board and what the Board does.

We are also happy to meet with you at the store or talk to you over the phone to give you more details and answer any questions you might have. Just let us know in that email.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022
By Deep Roots Market Board of Directors

The voting is done and the results are in! Spoma Jovanovic, Kathleen Donohue, and Joel Landau were elected to 3-year terms. Sheldon Herman was elected to fill out the one year remaining on a vacated seat.

Congratulations to all and a hearty welcome to new Board members Spoma and Sheldon! They will be seated at our next Board meeting, on June 1. And a large thank you to all the Co-Op owners who took the time to participate in our governance by voting; approximately 150 ballots were cast.

We also give a large thank you to departing Board members Haley Matthews and Eric Smith! They served the Co-op well and their efforts have been much appreciated.

Monday, May 09, 2022
By Deep Roots Market Board of Directors

Dear Deep Roots Market Owners,

This past Saturday, we came together virtually for our Annual Owners Meeting. During the meeting, we heard an overview of last year's operational challenges and successes, our financial picture, and an overview of the many activities our Board of Directors was engaged in. We then heard from the 5 candidates who are running for the Board of Directors and an overview of our online voting option in addition to in-store voting. 

It has since come to our attention that several Owners did not receive the news that the meeting was on Zoom. We wanted to take this opportunity to sincerely apologize to anyone that missed the Zoom link or did not have access to it and therefore was unable to attend the meeting. We believe it is crucial that we make our AOM available to all Owners with ample communication as to how to access them. We have taken our procedures into consideration and greatly welcome your feedback as to how to make this annual meeting beneficial for everyone.

Any Owner who would like to view a recording of the Annual Owners Meeting, please contact and include your name and owner number.

Ballot counting is Monday, May 9th at 6:00 pm in the Community Room and is open to Owners as observers.

Thank you tremendously for your continued support and participation!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022
By Deep Roots Market Board of Directors

This year we have four seats up for election and five candidates. Three seats are 3-year terms and one seat is for the remainder of a current term. The top three votes will get the 3-year term positions.

The voting period will run from April 23 to May 7, 2022. Plan on attending our Annual Owner’s Meeting at 11:00 am on April 30, 2022. The votes will be counted and the results announced on May 9. If you have any questions, please contact the Board President at

The candidates are, in alphabetical order, Kathleen Donohue, Sheldon Herman, Spoma Jovanovic, Joel Landau, and Eric H. Smith. Each candidate was asked to respond to four questions. Their responses follow below. This information is also available at the board election voting table in the store.

Candidate Statements

Kathleen Donohue (Incumbent)

1. Describe your involvement with Deep Roots Market. Include amount of time spent and specific activities, if appropriate.

I have been a member since 2011, serving on the BOD for 3 years and have a strong desire to continue with my service as an executive member to help DRM execute our current growth plans. I also serve on as chair of a new passion project, The Owner Engagement Committee. The purpose of our committee is to engage owners in the local food movement through an information sharing initiative. As a weekly shopper I intentionally schedule “extra” time so that I can fully connect with the staff members and customers while in the aisle. My Why: Every time I walk through the doors, I have a special experience about community and food in a welcoming environment.

2. Describe any volunteer or paid experience relevant to serving as a co-op board member.

My personal experience with DRM has expanded tremendously since I joined the board in 2019. Both of our journeys have changed so much during that time. I have been able to witness firsthand the rebirth DRM has gone through while operating through a pandemic, staff changes, economic and competition changes. It has been my pleasure to lend my time; as a board member and friend of the community, so that DRM can continue to thrive and provide an inclusive experience for our community.

Additional volunteer and professional experience have included Board member and president of the NC Touring Theatre for 5 years. Previous volunteer experience includes Woman’s Resource Center, mentor, and program facilitator with its graduates. In addition, I have been spent 30+ years as a top performing sales and marketing professional. In 2020 I transitioned out of the corporate space and into the world of entrepreneurship with my own consulting firm where I lead Solo CEO’s and Small Business’s with customized plans to achieve profitable growth and establish accountable patterns for both leaders and sales team.

3. What do you see as Deep Roots' role in the broader community?

It is my belief that DRM and Coops have a unique model that lends itself to provide an environment that is inclusive both internally and within the community. I have been lucky enough to see this model thrive during unprecedented times while other organizations failed or were not able to pivot.

4. Personal statement, including anything you feel is relevant to your candidacy.

Lending my talents as a seasoned sales professional, business performance strategist and business owner provides me with a vehicle to increase awareness of our mission and draw like-minded individuals to our organization.

Sheldon Herman

1. Describe your involvement with Deep Roots Market. Include amount of time spent and specific activities, if appropriate.

I am a past board member and a past board president I have been on and off the board as time allows for the past so many years. I've been active in the food Co-Op movement since I was in college way back in the old days before they invented the internet.

Although nobody loves policy governance it is it the right way to structure decision making on the board of directors. Until and unless somebody comes up with a better system, I think we are wise to continue with it

2. Describe any volunteer or paid experience relevant to serving as a co-op board member.

I have been a reliable engaged board member and show up and volunteer at events. Certainly, I'm not coming back with wild-eyed crazy ideas at this point I just want to support what we are doing because I think we are on the right track.

3. What do you see as Deep Roots' role in the broader community?

Deep Roots has been and will continue to be the heart and soul of Greensboro the epicenter of healthy diet and Healthy Lifestyles. Deep Roots is the rare place where people from all parts of the community come together for a common goal therefore it is a rare and extremely valuable asset to Greensboro.

4. Personal statement, including anything you feel is relevant to your candidacy.

My personal opinion is it is fantastic and amazing the new younger people are taking up board seats but perhaps there is still need for a long-serving board member to provide some sense of continuity and history.

My main motivation for wanting to be back on the board is to set up a process where we could start looking at long-term prospects and plan and create a vision of where we want to be in 5 10 15 or 20 years. Now we at last and finally have operations under control and running well and it gives us the luxury to do this long-term planning that we have never had before.

Spoma Jovanovic

1. Describe your involvement with Deep Roots Market. Include amount of time spent and specific activities, if appropriate.

I have been a proud owner with Deep Roots for decades, and a regular shopper. With my husband, we made a loan to Deep Roots long ago when the store was located on Spring Garden, to build and develop the building and programs that are important assets in Greensboro. We were delighted to invest our limited funds in Deep Roots, knowing its long-term impact would grow over time. The local nature of Deep Roots, and its democratizing features, are a model for our city.

2. Describe any volunteer or paid experience relevant to serving as a co-op board member.

My heart has been in serving grassroots initiatives in Greensboro: the Greensboro Truth and Community Reconciliation Project (12 years), Participatory Budgeting organizing efforts and implementation (13 years), Democracy Greensboro, and Justice for Marcus Smith that I see as transforming processes that have changed the views in our city to bend closer toward justice for all. I also worked with high school and college students on BUBBS (Bringing us Bus Benches & Shelters) to raise awareness and funds toward the installation of bus benches and shelters in our city (10 years). Finally, I have volunteered time and service to many of Greensboro’s fine nonprofit and government organizations including Leadership Greensboro, the Community Foundation’s Future Fund, Food Assistance Program, the City’s Citizen’s Advisory Team on the rewrite of the. Land Development Ordinance, Commission on the Status of Women, Action Greensboro Task Forces, City Academy, and Habitat for Humanity, among others.

3. What do you see as Deep Roots' role in the broader community?

Deep Roots demonstrates how people working together in a cooperative can successfully determine their collective fate, address one another’s needs, and implement desired solutions. As such, the store serves as a living example of an alternative to the hyper capitalism that distorts the ways relationships, care, and conversation direct our way forward to a better future for all, not just some.

4. Personal statement, including anything you feel is relevant to your candidacy.

As I retire from my career as a Professor of Communication Studies at UNCG, I am looking forward to continuing to contribute to my community in different ways that build on my experience in communication, organizing, evaluation, and research. I will have the time to serve and look forward to doing so on the Board for Deep Roots so that I can collaborate with others in continuing and advancing the mission of our local co-op. When we had a second co-op in our city, my family members were active supporters there as well. We were sorry that one did not meet its full potential, which is more reason to support Deep Roots in its mission.

I am committed, organized, and not afraid of hard work. I am probably best known as an advocate for programs, people, and efforts that amplify the voices of those who have historically been under-resourced and discriminated against, in an effort to correct the wrongs we have witnessed (and contributed to) in our world.

Joel Landau (Incumbent)

1. Describe your involvement with Deep Roots Market. Include amount of time spent and specific activities, if appropriate.

I was elected to the Board of Directors in 1982, but had to step down shortly afterwards as I was hired as a Co-Manager.

1982-1983: Co-Manager
1983-1989: General Manager (I moved to Carrboro at the end of 1989)
1990-1991: Assistant Store Manager (after moving back from Carrboro)
1991-1994: General Manager
2006-2013: General Manager
2016-2019: Board member
2017-2022: Board President

2. Describe any volunteer or paid experience relevant to serving as a co-op board member.

I served 18 years as Deep Roots Manager. During each of my first 2 stints I came aboard during a financial crisis and saved the Co-op from going out of business, leaving it in sound financial condition both times. During the 3rd stint I successfully relocated the store to its current location/beautiful store.

I’ve also served on various non-profit Boards, often in a leadership role.

I also have extensive natural foods grocery store management experience apart from my work for Deep Roots.

3. What do you see as Deep Roots' role in the broader community?

Deep Roots provides a reliable base for people looking for an alternative to the typical adulterated foods found in most grocery stores. Also, we serve as a hub of the local food economy, providing an outlet for local vendors as much as possible. In addition, we are a center for community activity, providing a meeting place and event venue where people come together. Lastly, the Co-op business model provides a viable alternative business model to the typical profit-at-all cost business model.

4. Personal statement, including anything you feel is relevant to your candidacy.

I have extensive experience with Deep Roots, with Cooperatives in general, and with Board service.  My long experience as General Manager of Deep Roots, combined with my historical knowledge of the organization, puts me in an excellent position to continue in a leadership role with Deep Roots.  We have made significant progress during my Presidency the past 5 years in recovering from past challenges; I’d like to continue to provide leadership as we catch up on our debts and continue to expand our offerings and service to the community.

Eric H. Smith (Incumbent)

1. Describe your involvement with Deep Roots Market. Include amount of time spent and specific activities, if appropriate.

My time with Deep Roots has been as a customer for a number of years. I have been a promoter of the co-op by sharing with friends and family the benefits of having a local cooperative grocery store. I have enjoyed serving on the board for the past 8 months and would like to continue for a full term.

2. Describe any volunteer or paid experience relevant to serving as a co-op board member.

I have served on the Reidsville Downtown Corporation Board for the past 5 years. During that time, I’ve served as Vice President and President elect for 2022, as I’m once again serving as Vice President. I am also the founder of the Lucky City Brewing Co-op and Served as President for 4 years.

3. What do you see as Deep Roots' role in the broader community?

I see Deep Roots utilizing the 7 Cooperative Principles especially 5,6 and 7 to educate, sustain our community and work with other cooperatives in our region.

4. Personal statement, including anything you feel is relevant to your candidacy.

I feel it would be an honor to serve on the board for the coop that got me introduced to coops years ago. With my experience as a business owner and involvement with the LCB coop. I feel I can bring a fresh perspective to Deep Roots Market. I’ve wanted to get involved more over the past few years, but time did not allow it. I now have the time to commit and will do so wholeheartedly. Even if not chosen as a board member, I am willing to serve on any committees or other volunteer ways as needed.